
The right assets at the right time just got a whole lot more important.

Client objectives don’t change just because market conditions do. That’s why being in the right assets at the right time is critical. Not only do clients want to reach their final investment destination, but they want to have peace of mind along the journey. The investment problem is complex but being outcome focused and responsive to changing market conditions is what clients expect.

For advisers constructing portfolios over the next decade, meeting client objectives will be critical. Strategies that play a versatile role in portfolios that allocate clients to the right assets at the right time, capitalizing on opportunities and managing risks will be essential.

The webinar will be held on Thursday 2nd April 2020 from 11:00am to 11:30am AEDT.

We are pleased to offer CPD points to those that attend.

About the presenter: 


Raf Choudhury, Senior Investment Strategist, Investment Solutions Group

Raf is a Senior Investment Strategist within the Investment Solutions Group (ISG) for the Asia Pacific region.

Having joined SSGA in 2005, Raf initially joined the Sydney team as a Senior Portfolio Manager having transferred from London at the end of 2013. As a Portfolio Manager, Raf was responsible for managing Tactical Asset Allocation portfolios as well as a range of Absolute Return Funds and equity risk reduction strategies.

As an Investment Strategist, Raf engages with clients to identify complex investment issues, conduct needs-based analysis, and design targeted solutions supported by proprietary research and market viewpoints.

Prior to joining State Street Global Advisors, Raf worked at both ABN Amro and JP Morgan Chase.

Raf graduated from Durham University with a BA in Business and Finance and obtained a MSc in Investment Management from Cass Business School London.

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11.45 Registration
12.00 Presentations
13.30 Close


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Zunfthaus zur Waag
Münsterhof 8
8001 Zurich


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Senior Multi-Asset Strategist,
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Senior Multi-Asset Strategist,
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Senior Multi-Asset Strategist,
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Senior Multi-Asset Strategist,
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Senior Multi-Asset Strategist,
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Senior Multi-Asset Strategist,
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Senior Multi-Asset Strategist,
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Senior Multi-Asset Strategist,
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